Everything has been said about the characteristics UTILIZATION Config rather simple, it manages to sound terrible fast enough when it comes to dive deeper into the beast is a little hard but entirely possible, even for me who am more used to the old analog beasts I couldn't find the software for sale anywhere outside of a Korg bundle for $200. Also take a quick flick through the Prophet VS manual first to get a good perspective on why the Wavestation thinking is like it is - you could think of the Wavestation as a next-generation Prophet VS, designed by pretty much the same team, once they'd moved from Sequential Circuits via being bought by Yamaha (leaving behind the SY22/33 vector synths there), and having moved on to Korg, to 6 user reviews on Korg WaveStation. That allows for very complex sounds, bearing in mind that the Wavestation is a vector synthesis synth, allowing the player to "move" inside the sound with a joystick (Dave Smith brought this to Yamaha and Korg from the ill-fated Prophet VS - my first synth was a Yamaha SY35, one of these surprinsingly rare vector synths). KORG's Legacy Collection series, made up of legendary KORG synthesizers including MS-20, Polysix, Mono/Poly, WAVESTATION and M1, as well as MDE-X effects processor and Legac圜ell will now work on the latest 64-bit DAWs. KORG has announced that the KORG Legacy Collection series is now available in 64-bit. To get the latest support information for your Korg product, simply click on the "Select Product" drop down menu below and choose your product! Our support system is a treasure trove of knowledge providing Owner's Manuals, Easy Start Guides, FAQs, OS upgrades, USB drivers, bonus sound data and more. The Wavestation incorporated the 2-dimensional vector joystick of the ProphetVS which allowed the user to alter and animate sounds. This led to the hugely successful Wavestation Synthesizer which was based on Sequential's ProphetVS. Get Gadget and Sound Libraries - KORG Official Online Shop When Sequential Circuits finally went belly-up, their research and development into vector synthesis was picked up at Korg.

When Korg first introduced their ground-breaking Wavestation keyboard in 1990, it was greeted with huge enthusiasm by most reviewers, but wasn't a great commercial success, largely due to its lack of built-in piano and drum sounds. Hands-on advice for getting the best from Korg's Wavestation series of synths. KORG Legacy Collection - WAVESTATION Owner's manual WAVESTATION Original Manual. KORG Legacy Collection - MS-20/Polysix/Legacy Cell Owner's manual M1 Owner's manual M1 Original Manual. KORG WAVESTATION VST MANUAL > READ ONLINE